Menu: New Routine

Trying to get a new routine going since we now don’t get any notice on what our CSA contains until the day I go pick it up (that’s today – Tuesday).

Meaning menus have to revolve around that and we have to adjust our shopping trip to Tuesday also (instead of Thursday). Lots of change but hopefully we’ll be able to adapt fairly quickly.

For the CSA this week we have:
2 pints strawberries
1 bunch Mokum carrots
1 bunch red Ace beets
1 bunch Tokyo Cross turnips
1 bunch rainbow chard
1 bunch bok choy
1 bunch rapini
1 Cocarde red oak leaf lettuce
1 bunch arugula
1 bunch chives
1 bunch garlic scapes
1 head fresh garlic

lunch – out
dinner – couscous with vegetables
lunch – pb and j sandwhich
dinner – shrimp and polenta w/ tomatoes
lunch – salad
dinner – chicken with turnip gratin
lunch – leftovers
dinner – burritos
lunch – pancakes
dinner – lasagna soup w/ homemade bread and salad
lunch – soup
dinner – salad
lunch – leftovers
dinner – pizza

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