Lotta salad this week. Can’t help it because Andrew loves salad so much but I tried to keep it interesting by shifting the types of salad and the mix-ins. Also all of these salads do have dressing on them but because it’s oil based it’s basically invisible and just kind of makes the whole thing look wet. Sometimes I have to remind myself that food needs to taste good too and not just look instagram good. Honestly that’s the hardest part because you want people to think your food looks great but also you have to live your life and eat it. I know for a fact a lot of the food made for food blogs goes uneaten because no one is baking three cakes in a week and chowing down on them.
Vegetable Baked Ziti, salad, orange, apple, boiled eggs
Chicken burrito, cornbread, grapes, salad, orange
Salmon onigiri, salad, orange, apple
Onion and goat cheese tart, grapes, carrots and hummus, apple
Double bean soup I ruined with too much masa, cornbread, salad, apple